To help solicit informed resident feedback, the City of Pomona’s Independent Redistricting Commission is hosting two virtual mapping tool workshops. At these workshops, residents can tell the Commission where their communities are, where they would like to see the City’s district lines drawn and get “hands-on” instruction of the City’s new mapping tools.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetings will be held virtually on Saturday, November 13 at 10 AM and Wednesday, December 15 at 7 PM. Residents can attend both workshops using the following credentials:

Zoom link here OR calling +1 (699) 900-9128
Webinar ID: 837 7784 5489
Passcode: 633516

“These mapping tools can seem intimidating and technical, which is why the Commission has decided to hold these workshops. The workshops can help give residents the confidence to voice their opinions on the City’s districts using the City’s recently released mapping tools,” said Pomona Independent Redistricting Commission Chair Aldo Yanez Ruiz. “We are looking forward to hearing the Pomona community’s feedback as well as reviewing resident-submitted maps in the coming months.”

Mapping tools are available to members of the Pomona community on the City’s redistricting website at Residents may use the online mapping tools, print out the City’s paper mapping kit or pick up the paper kit at City Hall (505 S Garey Ave.). Proposed paper maps may be dropped off at City Hall or submitted on the City’s website at Through the use of these tools, residents can explore Pomona’s demographic data from the 2020 Census in order to draw their own communities, neighborhoods and proposed district lines.

After the holiday season, the City’s Independent Redistricting Commission will reconvene to hold two more hearings to evaluate the resident-submitted maps and feedback in order to form the most representative and fair districts. The Commission will hold additional meetings as opportunities for the public to provide comments about their communities.

To sign up for updates and information about the redistricting process and future public meetings, please visit or email

Read the full bilingual release here.