The City of Pomona’s Independent Redistricting Commission will host the second of four legally required public hearings on Wednesday, August 25 at 5 PM virtually via Zoom. Residents can access the meeting using the following credentials:
Zoom link here OR calling +1 (699) 900-9128
Webinar ID: 861 7585 8551
Passcode: 789745
At this hearing, the Commission hopes to solicit further resident feedback on local communities of interest. Communities of interest is any community within the City that shares a common interest, goal or concern. With resident feedback about where they consider their community borders to be, the Commission can consider keeping these communities together as new district maps are drawn. During the hearing, residents will learn more about the redistricting process, see a demographic summary of the City’s existing districts, and have the opportunity to identify their communities. In addition to virtual public comments during the meeting, residents may submit comments via email to by Wednesday, August 25 at 3 PM.
“The City of Pomona is a remarkably unique and diverse polity, which the Commission hopes to preserve throughout the redistricting process,” said Independent Redistricting Commission Chair Aldo Yanez Ruiz. “However, we need your help; participating in these meetings and providing input about where your communities are located is valuable to the Commission. Your feedback ensures that each district has a voice during this process and on the City Council for the next 10 years.”
Every 10 years, local governments use new data from the Census to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. The Commission invites members of the Pomona community to participate in the redistricting process to help make sure district lines respect neighborhoods, history and geographical elements.
Identifying these areas will help the Commission during its map adoption process to determine which Redistricting map best reflects the City’s unique and diverse communities.
To help share information about redistricting and eventually gather draft maps and collect public feedback, the Independent Redistricting Commission launched a dedicated redistricting website:
The website includes background information on redistricting, a tentative schedule of participation opportunities, frequently asked questions, the Commission members, and resources for drafting maps and sharing feedback on previously-drawn maps.
As the redistricting process moves forward, the Commission will continue to update the redistricting website to include additional details on future public hearings, mapping opportunities, new FAQs and more.
To sign up for updates and information about the redistricting process and future public meetings, please visit or email