On Wednesday, October 27 at 5 PM, the City of Pomona’s Independent Redistricting Commission will host a meeting introducing the City’s new redistricting mapping tools. Residents can access the virtual Zoom meeting using the following credentials:
Zoom link here OR calling +1 (699) 900-9128
Webinar ID: 872 3741 7323
Passcode: 949415
Mapping tools are available to members of the Pomona community on the City’s redistricting website at DrawPomona.org/draw-a-map. Residents may use the online mapping tools, print out the City’s paper mapping kit or pick up the paper kit at City Hall (505 S Garey Ave.). Proposed paper maps may be dropped off at City Hall or submitted on the City’s website at DrawPomona.org/contact. Through the use of these tools, residents can explore Pomona’s demographic data from the 2020 Census in order to draw their own communities and neighborhoods. The public mapping tools will be introduced and discussed in greater detail during the next Independent Redistricting Commission meeting and at future virtual workshops being held on Saturday, November 13 at 10 AM and Monday, December 15 at 7 PM.
“The City’s Redistricting Commission is excited to finally have the 2020 Census data available in order to provide residents the tools necessary to truly make their voices heard in this process,” said Pomona Independent Redistricting Commission Chair Aldo Yanez Ruiz. “In addition to all the resident feedback we have received on the City’s various communities of interest, these maps will inform the Commission on residents’ priorities and communities that should be maintained as we consider new district lines.”
Along with an introduction to the City’s mapping tools, the City’s demographic firm will discuss the Census results and show how the City of Pomona has changed in the last decade. Residents looking to learn more about changes to Pomona’s communities and accurately reflect these changes in their maps should be sure to tune into the Commission’s upcoming meeting.
As the redistricting process moves forward, the Commission will continue to update the redistricting website to include additional details on future public hearings, mapping opportunities, new FAQs and more. The website will also begin to showcase draft maps that have been submitted by the public for review and consideration.
To sign up for updates and information about the redistricting process and future public meetings, please visit DrawPomona.org or email redistricting@ci.pomona.ca.us.