The City of Pomona’s Independent Redistricting Commission is looking to choose a final map in the coming months, with a special redistricting meeting on Thursday, March 10 at 5 PM. At this meeting, the Commissioners will continue discussing the focus draft maps identified at their previous hearing and suggest any final edits to the boundaries in their draft maps to align with resident comments and communities of interest.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hearing will be held virtually. Residents can attend and get involved by using the following link or call-in information:
Zoom link here OR calling +1 (699) 900-9128
Webinar ID: 821 2891 8265
Passcode: 843686
“Resident participation is vital to our redistricting process” said Commission Chair Aldo Yanez Ruiz. “While the map-drawing portion of this process has concluded, resident comments and input will play a large role in identifying map edits and eventually choosing and adopting a final map.”
Residents are encouraged to submit public comments for the upcoming redistricting hearing via Zoom or prior to the hearing via email at The Commission is inviting residents to share which maps they prefer, which maps they oppose, why they prefer certain district lines over others, and what Pomona communities they believe must be preserved or maintained within a single district.
The Commission plans to select its final map at its hearing on March 23. The selected map will be posted on the Commission’s redistricting website at
To sign up for updates and information about the redistricting process and future public meetings, please visit or email Residents may also text #DRAWPOMONA to 81411 for text alerts about upcoming redistricting hearings, news and updates.